Tuesday 21 November 2023

ALIA Graphic Webinar: Let's Get Practical

 Last week we had our annual ALIA Graphic webinar. This time, we chose to have the committee answering your questions. The main points of discussion were manga and how to deal with challenges to comics, graphic novels and manga. But we discussed a lot more! 

If you missed the webinar, we have made a recording available. You've got two options: YouTube or audio podcast.

The podcast episode can be found here: 79 ALIA Graphic Webinar: Let's Get Practical (or wherever you listen to podcasts)

You can watch the webinar below. 

Some of the resources and websites mentioned during the webinar:

On narratology and the study of comics:
  • Reimena Yee's fantastic and totally free resource about comics and their story telling devices. Perfect for teachers, comics creators and anyone interested in learning about comics narratology and storytelling: https://comicsdevices.com

Comic book challenges:

Manga and junior manga:

Australian comics and graphic novels:

Keeping up with new releases:
  • ALIA Graphic publishes a monthly roundup of news and new titles that we believe are a good fit for libraries. If you want to go deeper, more resources below.
  • Kinokuniya often have new release lists for Graphic Novels and Comics, as well as more general book lists https://kinokuniya.com.au/
  • This can be helpful https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/
  • https://noflyingnotights.com (this website is by librarians and for librarians, regularly reviewing graphic novels for libraries and also contains core collections lists)